404 - Job Not Found

Unluckily, you can't find a job, so your heart is brokenđź’”.

However, you can still enjoy a game of Minesweeper below!

How to play: Click in the minefield to expose a free space. Numbers show how many mines are adjacent to that square. Right-click to flag a square as a mine. Win by exposing all the non-mine squares.

Game | Display | Controls | Import | Export
Game ×
Height Width Mines
9 9 10
16 16 40
16 30 99
Display ×

Controls ×
  • Left-click an empty square to reveal it.
  • Right-click (or Ctrl+click) an empty square to flag it.
  • Midde-click (or left+right click) a number to reveal
    its adjacent squares.
  • Press space bar while hovering over a square to flag
    it or reveal its adjacent squares.
  • Press F2 or click the smiley face to start a new game.
  • Tap an empty square to reveal it.
  • Long-press an empty square to flag it.
  • Tap a number to reveal its adjacent squares.
Import ×
Paste exported game state:
Export ×

ⓘ “First click cannot be a mine” behavior has been disabled for this game, as a result of having clicked “Export”.

Minesweeper by Bill Hu